Brett Weston was a multidimensional artist. Not only was he a master at abstract black and white photography, he was also a proficient sculptor.
Brett started sculpting in 1929 at the age of 17. He had been interested in carvings as a young boy but really dove into the art after he suffered a broken leg and was unable to go out and photograph.
Photography is such a delicate art, one scratch can ruin a print. Brett loved the roughness of sculpting. He didn't have to worry about protecting the fragile photograph and could get his hands "dirty" while creating a piece.
Here you can see one of Brett's photographs, "The Bird Dune," on the left and the sculpture he created on the right. He often used his photographs for inspiration.
“The sculptures were never intended to substitute for photographs or created with the idea of exhibiting them. They were very much a form of creative relaxation for Brett. He obviously loved sculpting and it was something he was proud of.”
If you would like to learn more about Brett and the history of photography as it relates to Wildcat Hill, Edward Weston's last residence before his death in 1958, schedule a visit! We look forward to seeing you.